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Farmacosalud highlights that specialists value Liposcale®

According to the Farmacosalud newspaper, health specialists value the use of an innovative technique called LIPOSCALE, which analyzes the size and number of lipoproteins in cardiovascular screening.

Previously unavailable tools

Dr. Jacinto Fernández Pardo, Head of the Hypertension and Lipids Unit at the Reina Sofia General University Hospital in Murcia, stated that “until now, we did not have any advanced tool or test for the determination of lipoproteins in the clinic.”

He also pointed out that “a technology based on two-dimensional magnetic resonance spectroscopy has recently been developed in Spain”, and that “this technology allows us to analyze the patient’s lipoprotein map through a relatively simple procedure that can be exported to the clinic.”

The importance of lipoprotein size in cardiovascular screening

Dr. Pardo’s statement was made during his intervention in a discussion on ‘The Importance of Lipoprotein Size in Cardiovascular Screening: From Theory to Clinical Practice’, which took place at the XXIX National Congress of the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis (SEA) held in Granada last May.

Pioneering work in cardiovascular health

This technology, highly valued by health specialists, represents a significant advance in cardiovascular health and diagnosis. As such, it is eagerly awaited by physicians.

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