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Laboratorios Rubió announces growth projections of 7,5%

Innovation and continuous improvement drive economic growth

International pharmaceutical company, Laboratorios Rubió, announces promising forecasts for economic expansion in 2023, with projections pointing towards growth of 7.5%. The company’s unwavering commitment to innovation and continuous improvement in the healthcare sector has been the driving force behind these positive outlooks.

Highly Positive Economic Growth Projections

The impressive growth of Laboratorios Rubió is a testament to its successful strategies and enduring commitment to patient-centered health solutions.

For 2023, the company forecasts an impressive economic trajectory:

  • Anticipated turnover of up to 115 million euros, representing a 7.5% increase from the previous year.
  • Rapid expansion of international operations in the healthcare industry, with projected earnings expected to reach 20 million euros.

A Global Expansion Reflecting Dedication to Excellence

The anticipated economic growth is more than just monetary gain, it reflects Laboratorios Rubió’s dedication to offering excellence and exceptional service in the pharmaceutical industry. These positive forecasts are a testament to the hard work and commitment of every team member in the company.

Expressing Gratitude to Our Employees, Collaborators, and Stakeholders

Our growth has been possible thanks to everyone who contributes to this exciting journey, including our employees, collaborators, and stakeholders. They have played a vital role in our success with their support, trust, and commitment, which have fueled our drive for continuous innovation and improvement in the healthcare sector.

A Global Expansion Reflecting Dedication to Excellence

The anticipated economic growth is more than just a monetary gain, it reflects Laboratorios Rubió’s dedication to delivering excellence and exceptional service in the pharmaceutical industry. These positive forecasts are a testament to the hard work and commitment of each member of the company’s team.

Economic Growth in the Pharmaceutical Industry

At Laboratorios Rubió, we are proud to be an integral part of the European pharmaceutical industry, a sector that, as pointed out by Farmaindustria, drives economic growth in Europe by:

  • Investing 41.5 billion euros in research and development of new drugs.
  • Employing 840,000 people in the sector, with teams of highly qualified specialists in R&D.
  • Driving European economic growth with sector exports valued at 565 billion euros.
  • Contributing to the EU’s trade balance, which benefits from 175 billion euros thanks to the pharmaceutical industry.

Laboratorios Rubió and Economic Expansion: A Global Company

Our involvement in the economic expansion of the pharmaceutical industry goes beyond national borders, thanks to our international business with partners in more than 65 countries. As we face changes and challenges, Laboratorios Rubió remains committed to continuing to drive economic growth and improve healthcare globally.

About Laboratorios Rubió

Laboratorios Rubió is a 100% privately owned international pharmaceutical company founded in 1968. Initially, the company aimed to market medicines that were not available in Spain at that time, as they were treatments for low-prevalence diseases. Over the years, Laboratorios Rubió has invested in R&D and developed more than a dozen drugs, many of which are leading treatments for certain diseases or disorders. The company also operates in other areas of health, such as diagnostics and clinical nutrition, and is known for its commitment to sustainable investment in R&D. Laboratorios Rubió has agreements with leading partners in more than 60 countries and has important international certifications such as the FDA.

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