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Development of a new pediatric treatment for insomnia


Products & Technology, a Rubió Group company, has undertaken research and development (R&D) to create a medication aimed at treating insomnia in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), specifically in cases where conventional sleep hygiene measures are insufficient.

This initiative is significantly supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the CDTI of the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, which provides 68% of the research funding. The product development is taking place at our facilities in Castellbisbal, Barcelona.

The support from CDTI underscores the importance of promoting innovation and technological development among Spanish companies. This project exemplifies CDTI’s commitment to initiatives that will benefit many school-aged children and their families. The co-funding from CDTI and ERDF highlights the relevance and potential positive impact of this project. Both institutions not only provide funding but also collaborate in terms of technical and logistical support, which is crucial for the project’s success.

Project Objectives

This pharmaceutical innovation project aims to research and develop (R&D) a medication for treating insomnia in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

This development focuses on cases where sleep hygiene measures have proven insufficient to improve the patients’ sleep quality.

Project Description

Insomnia is a common problem in children with ADHD and can significantly impact their quality of life and academic performance.

R&D Project Justification

Insomnia is prevalent among children with ADHD, affecting approximately 25-50% of these patients. Having sleep problems can worsen ADHD symptoms, affecting the child’s academic performance and the quality of life for both the child and their family.

Current interventions, including behavioral therapy and sleep hygiene, are not always sufficient to manage these problems. In this context, this project aims to explore additional therapeutic options.

Understanding ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic neurobiological condition that significantly affects the neurobehavioral development of individuals. Characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, ADHD typically persists throughout a person’s life.

Approximately 80% of ADHD cases are hereditary, affecting 5-10% of children worldwide. In Spain, an estimated 6.8% of children and adolescents are diagnosed with ADHD, which translates to about 1-3 children per classroom.

Impact on Children and Their Families

The impact of ADHD extends beyond the affected child to their families, causing cognitive, academic, behavioral, emotional, familial, and social challenges.

Parents of children with ADHD often experience high levels of stress, reduced adaptability, and increased negative interactions with their children. Siblings may also feel victimized by the behaviors of their ADHD-affected brothers or sisters, leading to anxiety and sadness. Therefore, treating ADHD requires a comprehensive approach that includes family support and stress reduction.

Causes and Symptoms

ADHD results from a combination of neurochemical, neuroanatomical, genetic, and environmental factors. The disorder primarily involves dysregulation of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, affecting attention, impulse control, and movement.

Neuroimaging studies show hypoactivation in brain areas responsible for these functions. Genetically, multiple genes contribute to ADHD, with an 80% heritability rate. Environmental factors, such as family support and educational interventions, can also influence the severity and management of symptoms.

Historical Commitment to ADHD Treatment

Laboratorios Rubió has been at the forefront of ADHD treatment in Spain for over 40 years, having introduced the first pharmaceutical drug for ADHD in the country. Our commitment to improving the quality of life for ADHD patients is unwavering.

The development of a medication for treating insomnia in children with ADHD represents another significant step in our ongoing quest to provide effective therapeutic options for these children and their families.


Laboratorios Rubió continues to lead in ADHD treatment innovation, with the development of a new medication as a testament to our dedication. This new product aims to address the critical issue of insomnia in children with ADHD, further enhancing their quality of life and supporting their families. Through our ongoing research and development efforts, we strive to provide better, safer, and more effective treatments for ADHD patients.

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