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Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy


The company responsible for processing your data according to this Privacy Policy is:

NIF:  A08222465
Address:  Indústria, P.I.Comte de Sert, 29 – 08755 CASTELLBISBAL (Barcelona, Spain)
E-mail address:
Telephone no.:  +34 937722509
Registered in the Companies’ Register of Barcelona, en el Tomo 38980, Folio 108, Hoja Número B-65850.

This privacy policy refers to the following websites:;;;;;;;;;

And it aims to regulate all aspects related to the data processing of the different users who browse or provide their personal data through the different forms located on the web.

At LABORATORIOS RUBIÓ, SA, we recognise the importance of protecting your personal information and we are committed to processing it responsibly and in compliance with the data protection laws.



Personal data is the information that identifies you or makes you identifiable. On the website, in the boxes created for the purpose, we collect the personal data communicated to us by the user: Name, surnames, e-mail, telephone number, postal address, town/city, etc.

When a user visits the website, this does not mean that he/she has to provide any information about his/her personal data. However, if such information is provided, the data will be processed lawfully and subject at all times to the principles and rights contained in the GDPR 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 and the LOPDGDD 3/2018 of 5 December.


We will process the data provided to us by the user for the following purposes.

  • To deal with the user’s application or request made using the contact form on the website. We collect and process the user’s personal data to enable us to process and manage his/her application, query or any request made using said form. We will keep these data for the time necessary to comply with the request and for the time established by law, with a minimum duration of 3 years.

The basis for legitimation of the data processing will be the consent granted by the user when checking the box for acceptance of our privacy policy before sending the request. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn

  • To manage  the user’s registration  and participation  in the blog comments  form on the website.  These comments will be managed by the WordPress platform. We will keep the data given to us for as long as the user does not request cancellation of his/her subscription to the blog content, for the time established by law, and for a minimum duration of 3 years.

The basis for legitimation of the data processing will be the consent granted by the user when registering through the blog subscription form and checking the box for acceptance of our privacy policy before sending the request. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn.

  • To manage the experiences or opinions regarding the products and/or services through the user opinions that will be published on the website, and thereby help other users.  The only personal data that will be published in relation to the user opinion will be the user’s name and town/city.  We will keep the data given to us for as long as the user does not request that they be revoked, and for the time established by law, with a minimum duration of 3 years.

The basis for legitimation of the data processing will be the consent granted by the user when registering using the form provided for this purpose on the website and checking the box for acceptance of our privacy policy before sending the request.

  • To deal with and manage the purchase made by the user using the purchase form on the website. We collect and process the user’s personal data to enable us to process the order and subsequent payment for the products and services offered on the website. We will keep these data for the duration of the contractual relationship between the parties and for the time established by law for compliance with the tax obligations.

The basis for legitimation of the data processing will be the performance of a contract of sale to which the data subject is a party. If the user does not provide his/her personal data, it will not be possible to manage his/her purchase and the requested service cannot be provided.

  • To send circulars and newsletters about LABORATORIOS  RUBIÓ, SA products. When we have the user’s consent, we collect and process his/her personal data to send him/her information about our products and services. We will keep these data for as long as the user does not revoke his/her consent to them being processed, for the time established by law and for a minimum duration of 3 years.

The basis for legitimation of the data processing will be the consent granted by the user when checking the box for acceptance of our privacy policy before subscribing to the newsletter in the form provided for this purpose on the website. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn.

  • To manage the CV/résumé sent by the data subject using the form provided for this purpose, and include it in the database of company candidates. These data will be kept for a maximum of one year, after which time the data will be blocked for the time established by law, with a guarantee that confidentiality will be fully respected both in their processing and subsequent destruction.

The legitimate basis for managing and processing the data subject’s CV/résumé is his/her consent; this is given by carrying out the affirmative action of sending it and checking the box for acceptance of our privacy policy prior to it being sent. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn.

  • To manage the LABORATORIOS  RUBIÓ, SA loyalty card, which is offered to our customers on our website. We collect and process the customer’s  personal data to enable us to issue said card as part of our services, allowing the customer to benefit from discounts and promotions. We will keep these data for the duration of the contractual relationship and for the time established by law, with a minimum duration of 3 years.

The legitimate basis for managing the customer/loyalty  card is the performance  of a contract in which the data subject is a party. If the user does not provide his/her personal data, we cannot deal with his/her request and will not be able to provide the loyalty and discounts service offered by the LABORATORIOS RUBIÓ, SA card.

  • To draw up profiles. We collect analytical data on the purchases made by the user and his/her interests and preferences. This allows us to offer him/her the products and services that might be of interest. We will keep these data for as long as the user does not revoke his/her consent to them being processed, for the time established by law and for a minimum duration of 3 years.

The legitimate basis for drawing up profiles is the user’s consent, granted by checking the corresponding box. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn.

  • To register as a “registered user” on the registration form on the website, which will allow the user to access his/her private services area and be informed of our activities; this will enable us to send him/her by any electronic medium commercial communications about the new features of our services. We will keep these data for as long as the user does not request cancellation of his/her registration, and for the time established by law, with a minimum duration of 3 years.

The basis for legitimation of the data processing will be the consent granted by the user when registering with the registration form and checking the box for acceptance of our privacy policy before sending the request. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn.

  • To improve the user experience when browsing the website. We will keep these data for as long as the user does not revoke his/her consent to them being processed by deleting the cookies, for the time established by law and for a minimum duration of 3 years.

The legitimate basis for improving website browsing is the consent given by the user when accepting the cookies. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn

  • To manage our social networks and send users information about our activities and products. We will keep these data for as long as the user does not revoke  his/her  consent  to them being processed,  for the time established by law and for a minimum duration of 3 years.

The legitimate basis for managing our social networks and sending users our activities and new features is the consent we are given to do so. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn.

  • To manage  the competitions  and draws organised  on the website.   We collect and process the user’s personal data to enable us to manage his/her participation  in the different draws or competitions  organised by LABORATORIOS  RUBIÓ, SA and to communicate subsequently with the winners. We will keep these data for as long as the competition or draw is in progress and for subsequent exposure, as determined in the competition rules, and for the time established by law with a minimum duration of 3 years.

The basis for legitimation of the data processing will be the consent granted by the user when completing the participation form on the website and checking the box for acceptance of our privacy policy and for the rules of the competition  or draw. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting  the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn.

  • Management and development of the user’s registration for attendance at an event or activity organised by LABORATORIOS  RUBIÓ, SA through the data compiled in the form provided for this purpose on the website. We will keep these data for as long as the event activity lasts and for the time established by law, with a minimum duration of 3 years.

The basis for legitimation  of the data processing  will be the consent given by the user when completing  the participation form provided for this purpose on the website and checking the box for acceptance of our privacy policy. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn

  • To facilitate the training and information of the users registered on the Website and carry out, where relevant, the procedures necessary to allow them to register and attend or follow the courses, conferences, events and any other training, social, information  and/or educational activity in which the user is interested and which is offered on the website.  We will keep these data for as long as the training activity lasts and for the time established by law, with a minimum duration of 3 years.

The legitimation for this purpose of personal data processing is the performance of the contract to which the user is a party,  i.e. for the  maintenance,  execution,  development,  monitoring  and  performance  of the  contractual relationship between you and LABORATORIOS RUBIÓ, SA

  • To manage bookings and provide users with the accommodation services in our establishment by means of our booking form on the website. The data provided will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship between the parties lasts, and for the time established by law with a minimum duration of 3 years.

The legitimate basis for dealing with and managing the booking made by the user on the website form will be the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party. If the user does not provide his/her personal data, it will not be possible to manage his/her booking and the requested service cannot be provided.

  • To manage the competitions and draws organised through our website or the websites of our data processors. We collect and process the user’s personal data in order to manage their participation in the different sweepstakes or contests organised by LABORATORIOS RUBIO S.A. as well as the subsequent communication to the winners. This data will be kept while the contest or draw is being held and its subsequent exhibition as determined in the contest rules, as well as for the time established by law with a minimum duration of 3 years.

The basis of legitimacy of the processing of the data will be the consent given by the user through the completion of the participation form provided for this purpose on the website and by selecting the box of acceptance of our privacy policy and the rules of the contest or sweepstakes. The user has the right to revoke their consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

Other purposes of the treatment: Analyze, as well as expressly send to the Health Authorities, information on the adverse events that you have informed us of and follow up on your case.
For more information, you can consult our Pharmacovigilance Legal Note.



Your data will not be communicated  or transferred to third parties unless there is a legal obligation, or to those service providers associated with the Controller which act as data processors.

Data will not be transferred internationally; if, at any time, this might be required, the user will be informed so that his/her consent can be obtained


In order for us to keep the personal data up to date, the user must always inform us of any change in said data; if this is not done, we cannot be liable for the veracity of the data.

The user guarantees that the personal data provided are true, and guarantees that all the information provided corresponds to reality, is up to date and is accurate. He/she is obliged to communicate any modification thereto.


If the user provides third party data for any purpose to LABORATORIOS RUBIÓ, SA, he/she guarantees that he/she has obtained these data lawfully, has informed the affected parties in advance, has obtained his/her consent to communicate them, and that the information provided is accurate and true.

Compulsory nature of the information requested

All our forms have an asterisk (*) to indicate which details are compulsory. If the user does not complete these fields, or does not check the privacy policy box, the information will not be sent.


You have the right to access your data and obtain confirmation regarding the processing thereof, as well as a copy of the personal data being processed. You have the right to update them and request that any inaccurate data be corrected, or request removal of the data when they are not necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. You may request a restriction in the processing of your data and object to them being processed by revoking your consent, and also exercise your right to data portability. Similarly, you have the right not to be the subject of decisions based solely on the automated processing of your personal data. You may exercise your rights by contacting us Indústria, P.I.Comte de Sert, 29 – 08755 CASTELLBISBAL (Barcelona). Email:

Contact details of the DPO: Email:
If you consider that your rights have not been duly respected, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency


Anyone providing data through the forms on this website and accepting the processing of such states that he/she is at least 14 years old. Access to, and use of the website is prohibited for anyone younger than 14. If, at any time, the Data Controller detects that a person younger than 14 years of age has provided personal data, we will cancel said data. In addition, parents or tutors may in any event write to LABORATORIOS RUBIÓ, SA to block any access account created by minors in their charge who have registered by falsifying their identity.


A cookie is a small file that is downloaded and stored on the user’s computer when he/she access a website. Cookies allow the website, amongst other things, to store and recover information on the browsing habits of the user or of his/her computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which you use your computer, they may be used for user recognition.

The user has the option to prevent the generation of cookies, by selecting the corresponding option in his/her browser program. You can obtain more information by reading our Cookies Policy.

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Basic cookie information
This website uses cookies and/or similar technologies that store and retrieve information when you browse. In general, these technologies can serve very different purposes, such as, for example, recognizing you as a user, obtaining information about your browsing habits or personalizing the way in which the content is displayed. The specific uses we make of these technologies are described below. By default, all cookies are disabled, except for technical ones, which are necessary for the website to function. If you wish to obtain more information or exercise your data protection rights, you can consult our "Política de cookies".
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Technical cookies needed Always active
Technical cookies are strictly necessary for our website to work and for you to navigate through it. These types of cookies are those that, for example, allow us to identify you, give you access to certain restricted parts of the page if necessary, or remember different options or services already selected by you, such as your privacy preferences. Therefore, they are activated by default, your authorization is not necessary. Through the configuration of your browser, you can block or alert the presence of this type of cookies, although such blocking will affect the proper functioning of the different functionalities of our website.
Analysis cookies
Analysis cookies are those used to carry out anonymous analysis of the behavior of web users and allow measuring user activity and creating navigation profiles in order to improve the websites.
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We want everyone to have access to our medicines wherever they are, regardless of prevalence.